The TPSC Basics
What you need to know about TPSC Sharks and Soccer!
Frequently asked Questions (FAQ)
Recreational Soccer
- Approximately 650 children from Tiburon, Belvedere, Strawberry, East Corte Madera (and a few from surrounding communities who choose to play with friends from our towns).
- Our youngest players are girls and boys who are in kindergarten in the fall. Our oldest are older teens playing in the U-19 division.
- We have both Rec and Competitive Divisions.
- For many players, the lower pressure / less travel /reduced time commitment of Rec soccer fits well into their level of interest and schedule.
- Competitive teams play in and outside of Marin County. Teams compete in a fall playing league, tournaments and some also compete in State Cup.
- In our Rec program, we group players by school grade.
- In Competitive, players are placed on teams by birth year.
- Competitive tryouts are planned to start in May, depending on age.
- Rec signups are held online in April and May.
- No tryouts are necessary; everyone makes a team.
- Late registration is possible for rec teams, if space is available.
- Costs vary based on age group and division. Fees are all inclusive, except for personal uniform/equipment and travel costs for competitive.
- There are limited financial aid funds for families that qualify.
- Team assignments and practice schedules will be available on the website in mid August.
- Teams generally practice twice a week.
- Rec games are held on Saturdays, generally between 9 and 4:00.
- Rec schedules are generally ready the week before the season begins and are posted on the site.
- Families of competitive players are asked to schedule their vacations early in the summer and all competitive players are required to be available for training and games in early/mid August.
- Competitive teams may play either one game or two on weekends and play both Saturdays and Sundays.
- Rec teams begin practice around the time school starts in late August.
- The rec season runs from late August through early November.
- Some Competitive teams may choose to play games in the spring, but all go into high gear on August.
- The Competitive season also runs from August through early December, .
- 1st and 2nd graders play at Town Park in Corte Madera
- 3rd through 12th graders play locally in Marin.
- The TPSC is committed to a program of Long Term Player Development. What this means is that we have a structured program of developmental teaching and learning from age 5 through high school. Based on fundamental educational and international soccer training methodologies, our program is designed to help children learn skills appropriate to their age and ability, and do so in a manner consistent with learning to love the game of soccer.
- Motivated Competitive and Rec players are encouraged to participate in our player development programs.
- The TPSC holds clinics for Competitive and Rec field players throughout the year. All TPSC player are invited and encouraged to attend. Currently, we have plans for Spring and Winter Academy, plus Summer Camps.
- We sponsor winter Futsal teams from January through March
- We encourage all players to simply find time to pick up a ball and play pickup soccer with friends and family. And, practice juggling by themselves. More touches = better skills!
- The TPSC is a non-profit organization, governed by an active, volunteer board.
- The TPSC plays under the auspices of the United States Soccer Federation (USSF) and US Club Soccer. Our primary parent organizations are the US Club affiliate, NorCal.
- Board elections are held at our Annual General Meeting in January…if any board member for information.
- Board meetings are held monthly throughout the year and are open to all club members.
- Click here to learn more about the board, monthly meetings, constitution and by-laws, and contact information.
- 1st and 2nd grade "Festival" games are facilitated by our volunteer team coaches.
- All other games are officiated by paid United States Soccer Federation licensed referees. Most are local players, parents, coaches and volunteers.
- Free entry-level USSF referee clinics are held each summer and we welcome and encourage our players and their parents to become referees and help our club.
- Click here for more information about referees, clinics and referee fees.
- Through 6th grade, parents coach our Division IV Rec teams. Coaching clinics are held at the beginning of the season, professional trainers work with coaches and players throughout the season, and free CYSA licensing courses are held during the year.
- 7th grade through U-19 Competitive teams and U-14 and older Interleague teams use professional coaches who work with our Director of Coaching.
- Click here for more information for and about coaches.
- The five “S’”:
- Soccer shorts
- Shirt
- Soccer socks
- Shinguards (worn under the socks)
- Soccer (not baseball) shoes.
- And a ball, sized to the appropriate age group.
- More information on equipment (including how to select it and where to get it) can be found by visiting the equipment page.
- Jewelry, watches, wristbands, earrings, casts or metal/air splints are strictly prohibited by CYSA/NorCal and TPSC regulations.
- The TPSC supplies House league jerseys. Players should provide black shorts and black soccer socks.
- Competitive teams purchase their own uniforms.
- 1st and 2nd grade teams play a "Festival" format, playing differently formatted four or five 10-minute games in an hour and a half time period.
- U-9 and U-10 games are 50 minutes long, divided into 25 minute halves. Each successive two-year age band adds ten minutes to the length of the game (e.g. U-12 games are 60 minutes; U-12’s are 70)
- U-18 and adult games are 90-minutes, divided into two 45-minute halves.
- U-7,U-8 (1st/2nd grade) = 4 per side, no goalkeeper
- U-9 = 5 per side, including a goalkeeper
- U-10 = 7 per side
- U-11 Competitive = 8 per side
- U-12 Rec = 8 per side
- U-12 Competitive and older = 11 per side
- U-14 Interleague and older = 11 per side
Here is a great description of the various positions and typical formations of a soccer team.
- The “Laws of the Game” are established by the Federation Internationale de Football Association or FIFA. Modifications to these Laws for youth soccer have been made by the California Youth Soccer Association and the TPSC.
- Your first stop should be the simple guide, Soccer for Parents
- Then, if applicable, read the Special Rules for our 3rd-6th Grade Rec Divisions
- For more detailed knowledge, visit the Rules page of this website, where there are several documents you should read.
- FIFA Laws of the Game
- CYSA District V Modified Laws of the Game
- And, so that you can resolve a couple of the usual sideline arguments, we suggest you read the separate articles on “handball” and “offside.” These are the two most often misunderstood rules of soccer.
- Then, if you’re really interested, visit the website for hundreds of questions and answers about the Laws of the Game.
- For more detailed knowledge, visit the Rules page of this website, where there are several documents you should read.
- Go watch. Besides games on TV, there are local college and professional games in the Bay Area throughout the spring, summer and fall.
(NOT) Bringing your dog to games - and other Field Rules
- California state law prohibits dogs from any school fields. This includes Del Mar, Bel Aire and Granada in particular. Dogs at McKegney must be on leash.
- Referees, Coaches, and TPSC officials have been instructed to ask any fan with a dog to leave the field and stop the game until they do.
- The RUSD also prohibits alcohol and tobacco from school property. Please read this letter from the RUSD regarding rules at schools
- Yes. The PCA is a national organization that promotes good sportsmanship among coaches, parents and players. The TPSC is a proud member of the PCA.
- We take the concept of good sportsmanship very seriously. We recognize and always keep in mind that this is a game for our kids, not for us.
- Click here to read our Code of Conduct and learn more about Sportsmanship in the TPSC.

Donate to our Field
Our website is live and we are kicking off our fundraising campaign for the McKegney Green improvement project.
We hope you will consider donating at a level meaningful to you.