About UNITED Program

April 2024
Dear Current and Future United Families,
The Corte Madera Football Club, Mill Valley Soccer Club, and Tiburon Peninsula Soccer Club are thrilled to announce the continuation of our United program for competitive youth players aged U13 and older (2012–2006) in the fall of 2024! We are committed to maintaining an environment that is positive, growth-oriented, enjoyable, and affirming for our athletes.
The United program builds on the successes of our individual clubs to provide a shared team formation structure starting at the U13 level, when teams move to 11v11 play and require larger rosters. By combining our clubs’ resources, we are able to pool a larger number of players, allowing us to:
- Create dynamic and well-matched teams
- Offer elite coaching and exceptional playing opportunities through high school
- Support multi-sport athletes with flexible off-season training
- Strengthen community and club connections
- Provide a rewarding competitive experience for all qualified players
As we approach the third year of our United partnership and with careful consideration, the leadership teams of all three clubs have adopted a new model of team hosting, designed to provide greater stability and an improved experience for United players. This new model aims to:
- Consolidate teams of similar age groups and gender within a single club (e.g., U13–15 girls within the same club) — this allows teams to “borrow” players of similar ages for games, and for teams of similar ages to train together when appropriate
- Reduce the frequency of players needing to move from one United club to another
- Increase the likelihood of robust spring programming for all interested players
- Ensure that all U16 and older teams of a particular gender are under one club's management
- Adopt strategies to facilitate the smooth transition of players between teams and host clubs
- Distribute team hosting responsibilities among member clubs in a manner that is proportionate to the entry-level player representation from each club into the United program
With attention to each of these aims, we strive to provide an equitable, stable and effective structure for forthcoming seasons. Please find the Fall 2024 United information at the links below:
- 2024 United hosting clubs and team coaches
- 2024 United tryout schedule
- United club hosting three-year plan
We invite your player to join us for tryouts in May. Representatives from all three clubs will be at each tryout. Take a look at the tryout schedule and register now.
Have questions? Please register now to join the three clubs on Tuesday, April 30, at 7:00 pm for a virtual informational presentation along with Q&A for parents of 2006–2012 players interested in learning more about our United program.
Together, we eagerly anticipate another successful season with United!
Corte Madera FC
Mill Valley SC
Tiburon Peninsula SC
Tryout Locations
Corte Madera Town Park, 498 Tamalpais Dr, Corte Madera, CA 94925, Check in at the Cafe Verde parking lot
McKegney Green, Park at Blackie’s Pasture Parking lot on Tiburon Blvd, Tiburon CA 94920
Redwood High School, 395 Doherty Dr, Larkspur CA 94939
Tam High School, 700 Miller Ave, Mill Valley, CA 94941